A dedicated dredge pump with integrated E-drive

Electrically driven submersible dredge pumps


Fit for any dredging job

The DOP submersible dredge pump sets the standard in the dredging industry as a compact, tough and cost-effective slurry pump. The well-known hydraulically-driven DOP has an electrically driven counterpart: the E-DOP. This E-DOP is the smart solution for zero emission dredging, taking a proven design and adapting it to meet the requests of the dredging industry for products that will be compatible with the drive for energy transition.

View E-DOP models

The ‘Jack of all trades’

Flexibility is key for the multifunctional E-DOP submersible dredge pump. A smart flange connection ensures a fast and easy exchange of compatible suction heads. Like its hydraulically driven counterpart, the dredging pump unit combines outstanding suction properties with a large sphere passage. This results in high production rates of solids and low operating costs.


On the road to zero emission dredging

The E-DOP is the solution for dredging in residential areas where noise levels need to be kept to a minimum. Silent dredging and zero emissions ensure that dredging projects can be viable even in our crowded world where we are surrounded by environmentally sensitive environments.


Low maintenance pump unit

Every dredge pump needs maintenance. The abrasive soils wear the dredge pump. Yet every DOP submersible dredge pump is delivered with heavy-duty pump parts cast in wear-resistant white iron. These tough parts are easily replaceable, and otherwise the E-drive requires little attention due to its few other moving parts.


Plug ‘n play delivery complete with E-drive

The electrically driven, submersible sand pump E-DOP has been designed for practical container transport. Together with additional suction heads, sand mixture discharge hoses and all other auxiliaries, it can be shipped to anywhere in the world as a complete dredge package. As such, fast deployment is assured. The pump drive can be powered by either a generator or the local grid.


Flexible sand pump unit

Only wear resistant, cast dredge pump parts are in contact with the abrasive mixture. All these pump parts are easily replaceable. The compact bearing and E-drive are built into a protective steel casing on to which the exchangeable suction heads are mounted, making the sand pump highly flexible. The complete dredge pump unit can be handled by an excavator or wire crane.

What type of DOP pump suits you best?

Let’s discuss the dredging works you need to do and we will offer you the dredge pump which perfectly matches your requirements.

DOP Dredge Jobs

A job well done

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Your partner in dredging

Dredging requires more than just shipping a dredge pump. It requires more gear such as dredge piping and power packs to do the job, and it requires crew training and project management to bring the works to a successful conclusion. Damen can assist you when starting up your project, and we are also there for you during the full lifecycle of your DOP dredge pump.

Package delivery

The DOP submersible dredge pump can be delivered from stock as a single item. Yet, for a swift and practical start-up, we can supply a complete dredging package. This package can include another suction head for the sub pump, hoisting gear to facilitate crane mounting, hoses and much more.

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Getting started

While your new DOP dredge pump is being shipped, make use of this time to get prepared. Arrange the excavators’ connection, or check the available power, prepare the hydraulics for the dredge pump drive… This enables you to swiftly start your dredging job upon delivery of DOP pump. Make use of our checklist.

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Wear & spare parts deliveries

The DOP dredge pump has been designed to pump abrasive materials; it will pumps tonnes of gravel, sand and other slurries. Consequently, the heavy cast pump parts will be subjected to wear. Seals may need replacement and bearing oil has to be exchanged. All these can be shipped to your jobsite.

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