Maritime Sustainability - Damen
Tomorrow starts today
Sustainable maritime solutionsDamen’s work on the electrification of the maritime industry falls under the so-called E3 umbrella. That is, environmentally friendly, efficient in operation and economically viable. The shipyards group is currently working on a number of projects for electric vessels.

Maritime Sustainability

Our sustainability strategy

Damen has the ambition to become the most sustainable maritime solution provider in the world. We will deliver products and services that leave a positive impact on the environment and society, ensuring our long-term resilience. This is aligned with our values and is a must have for our employees, customers, suppliers, financial institutions and local communities.

Arnout Damen
Damen Shipyards Group
Chief Executive Officer

"Two megatrends that will determine our activities in the coming decades are sustainability and digitalisation."

The future is ours

Sustainability Compass

Maritime sustainability is the key pillar of Damen's company strategy, therefore we developed our Sustainability Compass. What does sustainability mean to us as a company? How is it rooted within our organisation? And more importantly, how can you benefit from it?

Three pillars

Damen’s sustainability strategy

Our strategy is based on three pillars in order to be closely aligned and integrated into our business routines. We believe that only a comprehensive integration of the maritime sustainability topics into our daily work can lead to the successful transformation of our business. Damen is fully committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and each pillar relates to them and reflects our ambitions to create a more sustainable world.

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More on maritime sustainability…

Corporate Social Responsibility Report (CSR) 2023View PDF
Corporate Responsibility Report 2022View PDF
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2021View PDF
Sustainability Policy Statement 2022View PDF
Modern Slavery StatementView PDF
Human Rights PolicyView PDF


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