DOP submersible dredge pumps - Damen
Heavy-duty slurry pumps

DOP submersible dredge pumps

Dredging at high mixture concentrations

A versatile submersed dredge pump

The flexible and cost-effective DOP dredge pump has been designed for pumping a high-concentration mixture. Whether pumping sand, cleaning a tailings dam or removing silt from a pond – the DOP pump does the job due to its exchangeable suction heads. As an excavator dredge pump attachment or as a standalone dredge, find out what the DOP dredging pump can do for you.

Multifunctional dredge pumps

Damen’s range of DOP submersible dredge pumps has been designed with flexibility in mind. Due to its easily exchangeable suction heads, the dredge pump is ideal for a large array of dredge jobs. A practical flange connection ensures the fast mobilisation of a DOP pump kitted out with a cutter head, mining head, bed leveller, barge unloader or auger head. All suction heads can be retrofitted to your DOP so your sub pump is ready for its next job!

DOP200 cleaning sluice in Dunkerque

The DOP dredge pump as smart pumping solution

DOP Dredge Jobs

A job well done

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What type of DOP suits you best?

Let’s discuss the dredging works you need to do, and we will offer you the dredge pump which perfectly matches your requirements.