Complex drydocking for Sky Princess - Damen

Sky Princess

Complex drydocking for Sky Princess successfully completed in just 16 days

May 2023
Ship name
Sky Princess
Ship type
Sea Cruise
Damen Verolme Rotterdam
Tasks performed for this project

Earlier this year, Princess Cruises contracted Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam to install the class-certified parts of the new Air Lubrication System (ALS) for its award-winning Sky Princess, which was crowned USA Today’s #1 “Best Large Ship”.

The main scope included the installation of 12 Air Release Units for the flat bottom of the vessel and the 3.2 certified piping from the ARUs to the tank top above it. Additionally, a full paint programme was performed with the use of Dockmasters, Dockboys and spray guns. The entire underwater area of the vessel was hydro blasted back down to bare metal so new paint could be applied to the hull.

Another important part of the work was the logistics. When working with huge cruise vessels the cranes and forklifts are in full swing all day and even at night loading the vessel with new parts and materials, and at the same time, removing any waste from the vessel as a result of the works.

During the drydocking the Sky Princess had a full complement of 1,200 crew members, as well as 700 contractors aboard. Therefore Damen provided a safe working place and a special walking route, by installing a designated zebra crossing and barriers, for everyone going ashore.

This complex project was successfully carried out within a period of just 16 days, and this was only possible because of the great teamwork between Princess Cruises and Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam (Verolme)!

Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam (Botlek)

Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam can accommodate any seagoing vessel or floating offshore unit. The yard is well known for its drydocking, repair and maintenance capabilities and has a long track record of modification and conversion of ‘upstream’ offshore units.
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