The Netherlands

Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam (Botlek)


Welcome to our shiprepair yard in Rotterdam, Botlek location

Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam (DSR) has been an active shiprepair yard since 1957 and is situated in the Botlek area very close to the North Sea in the Port of Rotterdam. Our yard is well known for its drydocking, repair and maintenance capabilities and has a long and successful track record regarding the modification and conversion of upstream offshore units. DSR can accommodate any seagoing vessel or floating offshore unit.

The 405 x 90 m graven drydock can easily accommodate rigs, semi-submersibles and jack-ups, as well as the largest vessels in the world. The two other graven docks can cater to the larger vessels sailing the globe.

Do you need help or assistance? Don't hesitate to contact us directly

Find out what we can do for you.
Visiting address
Prof. Gerbrandyweg 25
3197 KK Rotterdam-Botlek, The Netherlands
Latitude: 51.8916183; Longitude: 4.2917063
Contact details
Phone +31 10 204 12 22
Fax +311 81 23 43 46

Yard facilities

DocksLengthBeam insideMax. draftLifting capacityCranesCranage
Drydock 5 230 m34.4 m8.0 m-220 t, 20 t
Drydock 6 275 m40.36 m10.3 m-220 t, 40 t
Drydock 7405 m90 m11.6 m-320 t, 30 t, 80 t
BerthsLengthBeamMax. draftLifting capacityCranesCranage
Berth 3 200 m-10 m-120 t
Berth 4 400 m-12 m-130 t
Berth 5 405 m-10 m-220 t, 80 t
Berth 6570 m-8.65 m-140 t

Rotterdam (Botlek) Yard layout

Download the PDF for our yard layout.

Download yard layout

Why choose Damen Verolme Rotterdam?

  • Biggest dock in Europe

    Located in the heart of the Port of Rotterdam, Europe’s biggest port, DVR has one of the largest drydocks in Europe.

  • Very long berths

    Long berthing facilities, including laydown areas and jacking options, ideal for mob/demob projects.

  • Conversions & upgrades

    Broad experience in conversion, modification and upgrades for cruise ships, LNG, offshore wind and offshore oil & gas vessels.

  • Direct deep-sea access

    Direct, easy access from the sea with deep water locations nearby and no airgap restrictions.

  • Docking with gas

    Able to perform repairs and drydocking under gas conditions.

  • Major OEMs close by

    All Original Equipment Manufacturers are within the vicinity of the yard.

Certificates & Downloads

General Terms & Conditions of Commercial SaleView PDF
Verolme Rotterdam ISO 14OO1:2O15 CertificateView PDF
Verolme Rotterdam ISO 9001:2015 CertificateView PDF
Verolme Rotterdam ISO 45001:2018 CertificateView PDF
Verolme Rotterdam ISO 3834-2:2005 CertificateView PDF
ShiprepairView PDF

About Damen Shiprepair Harlingen

Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam (Botlek) yard can easily accommodate rigs, semi-submersibles and jack-ups, as well as the largest vessels in the world.

Download the brochure