
Electrical & Automation

E&A services

Electrical & Automation

Electrical&Automation is the most dynamically developed discipline for the last years. Being driven by the electrification and full automatization the E&A is getting more and more complicated integrating all the systems of the vessel. MDEM E&A team is steaming ahead together with Damen in Green Deal and Blue Economy development and contributing to the design of all types of the vessels including fully electrical. Our ambitions are to be the first in line of the electrification, remote control and unmanned vessels. Step by step we are approaching it and chasing our dream - more vessels in our portfolio are with electrical propulsion, hybrid propulsion and finally fully electrical. Getting experience with every new one, we are facing the challenges but never stop. Cause we want to explore. We want to be pioneers of E&A.

E&A Team

What we do

We participate in the Basic Design and Detailed Engineering, Yard Support, HAT/SAT and commissioning for the newly built and renovated vessels playing the role of basic/detailed engineering partner or even system integrator. We are capable of all sort of calculations, drawings, system descriptions, 3D model, production information, site support team, checking and revising drawings of E-comaker, Class approval, close cooperation with Client representatives, coordination and integration of the project. We use Cadmatic Outfitting, Autocad, IFS, Cadmatic Electrical. We are exploring 3DX and SAP. We move forward with the times, we are searching for innovations, we are making electrification – that is what drive us and makes us feel the power!

E&A Tasks

  • Assisting in Design&Proposal

  • Basic Engineering documentation and preliminary 3D model

  • Detailed Engineering and complete 3D model

  • System Integration

  • Yard Support

  • HAT/SAT protocols and commissioning


Damen Triton

We are steaming ahead driven by 4.0 technologies and making future world today. Digitalization made possible the development of IoT platform Damen Triton that gives an opportunity to keep under control and visualize the vessel’s data in a easy-to-use environment. We are proud to be part of Damen Triton team and continuously develop together facing the new challenges and making new achievements. Our team is increasing with the number of processed vessels, our scope is expanded with the intention to make all the tasks better and faster, automatize the processes, keep it simple, reliable and user friendly. Our approach is based on Industry 4.0 technologies of Big Data, Predictive Maintenance, Machine Learning. And we will not stop moving. Because we are exploring and making innovations that drive us and inspire. Because we are changing the world and make it a better place to live. Because we are Damen Triton.

Triton Platform services

  • Smart sensors mapping for the vessels

  • Data quality check

  • Dashboards configuration and analytic reports

  • Troubleshooting and yard support

  • Software and equipment development

Our Triton team is spread over locations however the digital technologies unite our efforts and make small but effective. Sensor mapping and data quality check together with troubleshooting and yard support are the core activities for the team but we continue to develop the new ones and go on with analytic reports, software development and equipment design. We are raising up and expanding together with Triton DDSo team.

Discover more about Damen Triton