Sustainable Development Goals - Damen
Green blueprint
Sustainable maritime solutionsDamen’s work on the electrification of the maritime industry falls under the so-called E3 umbrella. That is, environmentally friendly, efficient in operation and economically viable. The shipyards group is currently working on a number of projects for electric vessels.

Sustainable Development Goals

Strategic source

Endorsing Sustainable Development Goals

In line with Damen’s ambition to become the most sustainable maritime solution provider in the world, we have chosen to endorse the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Due to our different activities worldwide, we believe that we can positively contribute and make a difference, directly and through our supply chain.

Sustainability roadmap

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)

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Commitment & Progress on sustainable organisation

Our commitment with the SDG’s is fully integrated into our sustainability roadmap to ensure full alignment with our internal initiatives and key performance indicators.


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