Dutch Glory

ASRV Nuyina

A multi-national effort

The most advanced polar research vessel in the world

The design and build of this magnificent vessel has been a multi-national effort involving the Australian Antarctic Division, the vessel operator Serco, Danish concept designers Knud E. Hansen, Damen’s engineering, detailed design and project management teams in the Netherlands and the construction team at Damen Shipyards Galati in Romania.

The most complex vessel we have ever built

An icebreaker, a research vessel, and a supply vessel in one. The ASRV Nuyina is the triathlete of Antarctic vessels, an adaptable all-rounder, able to undertake each role at the highest level.

Significant participation of the Dutch maritime sector

The project has benefited the world-beating capabilities of the Dutch maritime sector. Around 120 Dutch companies throughout the supply chain were involved, under Damen’s leadership.

Self-sufficient and innovative Dutch naval shipbuilding

Defence as a key launching customer plays a vital role in creating and sustaining the top-quality, self-sufficient, naval shipbuilding industry that the Netherlands has today. It is their support that enables us to design, engineer and build such complex vessels.

A new world-leading Antarctic icebreaker

The ASRV Nuyina is the main lifeline to Australia’s Antarctic and sub-Antarctic research stations and the central platform of Australia’s Antarctic and Southern Ocean scientific research. Scientific research is focussed on global warming and protection of the (sub)-Antarctic eco systems. It also addresses the protection of wildlife and eco system-based fisheries. In the ship’s 30-year lifetime, she will establish a scientific legacy that will last for generations.


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