Efficient harvesting from our seas

Pot Fishing

Low impact

Pot Fishers

Damen has developed a Pot Fisher and Crab Catcher with a standardised, yet customisable design with refrigerant seawater tanks for live storage, or a fully covered processing and freezing factory. Longline fishing is in scientific terms regarded as a LIFE (Low Impact Fuel Efficient) harvesting method and is one of the most sustainable ways to harvest wild fish from the ocean.

Discover our models

For static gear pot fishing, the Pot Fisher and Crab Catcher are probably the most innovative tools available.

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Proof of concept

First Damen Shrimp Trawler 2607 completes sea trials

The first in series Damen Shrimp Trawler 2607 successfully completed its sea trials in UAE waters. Damen has designed the new vessel for the next generation of (sub)tropical shrimp fishing.

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Damen Maaskant offers future-proof solution for tropical shrimp fishermen

The first in series Damen Shrimp Trawler 2607 successfully completed its sea trials in UAE waters. Damen has designed the new vessel for the next generation of(sub) tropical shrimp fishing.

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Damen Maaskant builds sustainable scampi vessel for seafood company Sanford

Damen Maaskant and New Zealand based seafood company Sanford Limited have signed a contract for the design and build of a new scampi vessel.

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Damen solutions

Finance your vesselA reliable partner from start to finish. Explore solutions of Damen Financial Services.Learn more
Lifecycle supportFrom delivery onwards, Damen Services supports you, every step of the way.Learn more
Build your vessel locallyBuild a proven Damen design, at a location of your choice.Learn more
Trade-in your current vesselExplore our options for vessel trade-in at Damen Trading. Our in-house shipbroker.Learn more

We don’t just build ships. We deliver solutions

Please get in touch and let’s discuss what we can do.