
Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam (DSR) completed the extensive rebuild of Oceanx’s cutting-edge research vessel 'Oceanxplorer'

October 2020
Ship name
Ship type
Offshore Surveying Vessel
Damen Shiprepair
Tasks performed for this project

OceanX is on a mission to explore the ocean and bring it back to the world. OceanXplorer plays a pivotal role in accomplishing this mission. The vessel combines state-of-the-art research facilities with Hollywood standard cinematography and media studios. With this, she is able to explore the oceans, undertake groundbreaking scientific research and livestream it to audiences around the world.

As main contractor in the project, Damen’s role was an extensive one. Damen’s scope called for synergy and collaboration from multiple disciplines within the group – including offshore and survey newbuild, repair & conversion and yachting specialisms.

The project required Damen to rebuild the vessel – a former offshore survey ship – in essence from the main deck upwards by stripping the existing accommodation and adding a complete new and much larger accommodation to house the new laboratories, workshops and submarine hangar. Also a fully integrated heli hangar was added to the superstructure as well as extensions on both sides of the accommodation decks to house new cabins over the (increased) full beam of the vessel. Following the structural part, the work included overseeing the complete integration of all ship’s systems including specialist hydrographic and laboratory systems and an innovative IT infrastructure to facilitate the combination of state-of-the-art research facilities with the on board Hollywood standard cinematography and media studios.

Damen worked closely with OceanX’s specialist teams, developing the scope of the project in order to fulfil all requirements.

DSR’s responsibilities covered the interior and exterior of the vessel. The ship is unique in its combining of up-to-the-minute research facilities – courtesy of renowned naval architects Skipsteknisk – and top-of-the-line interior accommodations, designed by Christina Fallah. The vessel’s additional interiors as well as its exterior were styled by Steve Gresham.

The project also required Damen to undertake a docking scope, including removal and refurbishment of azipull and bow thrusters, blasting and coating of tanks and complete overhaul and upgrading of crew accommodation.

OceanXplorer will play an important role in future ocean exploration, helping to build a global community engaged with understanding, enjoying and protecting our oceans.

Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam (Schiedam)

Part of the Damen Shipyards Group, Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam (DSR) is a leading ship repair and conversion yard in the Netherlands and one of the largest in Western Europe.
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