Ship repair services - Damen

Ship repair services

Continuity of your operations

To ensure your business continuity and with the global coverage of Damen in the Maritime industry we are able to support you also when maintenance or repair activities are required. It’s not always possible or convenient to take your vessel to a maintenance and repair yard. For vessels working in harbours and terminals, their natural environment is in or close to port.

Worldwide service and repair

Wherever you are and whatever issue you have, we are able to provide you a fast, dependable solution. We can assure you of low down time and business continuity.

Damen Shiprepair coverage

Whatever the vessel, whatever the task, we have the skills and facilities to undertake structural repairs or replace equipment on board. Whether your ship has suffered a simple equipment failure or perhaps something more serious, our shipyards can handle everything from basic steelwork and piping to the most complex electrical and mechanical systems, as well as the repair and refit of interior accommodation.
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Global service support

Therefore, in addition to our repairs yards and Service Hubs in harbours around the world, we operate a harbour and voyage repair service in the Netherlands. When you need assistance, we come to you. Do you want to check our service support locations, please check this map.
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Contact us and get in touch with the experts in field.