Capital dredging - Damen

Capital dredging

Winning sand & winning land

Pumping sand efficiently in great quantities is key when new infrastructure is created.

Capital dredging

Rising from the waters: land reclamation

Land reclamation for new industrial areas or airports, requires the excavation and transport of vast amounts of sand and gravel. Expansion or deepening of a harbour or navigation channel and coastal protection involves high dredged volumes as well.

Sustaining human activity in a changing world


Our TSHDs are designed to maintain the navigability of our waterways, help construct land and prevent the erosion of coastlines. An essential element in sustaining human existence in a changing world. Our standard solutions can be tailored to your specific requirements, able to handle up to 5,000 m3.
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CSD Armed to the teeth


Land reclamations requires vast amounts of sand. The cutter suction dredger can do just that. The dredging depth and the soil type, together with many other factors, determine which dredger is the right one for your job. Let us introduce you to our Cutter Suction Dredger range, and you will see the designs fit the purpose of efficient dredging.
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Efficient project handling

Practical dredge helper

A workboat on your dredging site will make the difference in your operations. Such a work boat could be a Multi Cat, which is ready to reposition anchors, transport floating pipe lines, supply fuel to your dredge – basically all odd jobs required to make your dredging job a success.
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Shall we discuss if our mining tools fit your operation?

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