Power projection - Damen

Power projection

Show of strength

Naval duties involve a far broader scope than the enforcement of military capabilities at sea.

Our portfolio acknowledges this with vessels, for example, suited to the de-escalation of a situation. Or at encouraging diplomacy.

Our offer includes the construction of our vessels in the country of our customers at a non-Damen yard of their choosing. By this means we can supply Damen quality anywhere in the world while fulfilling local content requirements and contributing to the development of sustainable local shipbuilding industries.

Power projection

Extending the projection of sea power on land

Our naval designs are able to operate across the full spectrum of naval operations. They enable the deployments and sustainment of forces outside national territories.

Dependable flexibility

Naval Logistic Support Ships

Our Naval Logistic Support Ships contribute significantly to effective expeditionary naval operations by supplying naval vessels at sea. They also support provision of education and training to crew and efficient preparation to get vessels ready for their next task.
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Custom Built Combatants

Continuously evolving through time, our comabatants benefit from proven and reliable systems, while at the same time, introducing state-of-the-art solutions.
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Modular flexibility


The SIGMA concept has proven itself time and again around the world. With this modular building method, Damen transfers knowledge to its partners at third party yards and contributes to the development of local shipbuilding industry. SIGMA combatants are fully customisable, drawing on naval and commercial quality materials for effective combat capability.
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Best of all worlds


The Damen XO is a versatile multi-tasker, drawing on high quality components both naval and commercial to deliver an effective, cost-efficient solution with diverse capabilities. Versatility comes courtesy of proven modular applications.
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A bridge between sea and shore

Landing Ship Transport

A proven Damen design that has demonstrated extreme flexibility in operation. The LST is suited to the full range of landing vessel operations and offers excellent stability, speed and versatility.
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Strategic transportation

Custom Built Landing Platform Docks

Amphibious solutions taking troops and equipment where they need to be.
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