Damen CSD 450 delivered to the Russian Arctic - Damen
14 Feb 2022

Damen Cutter Suction Dredger 450 delivered to the Russian Arctic

The standard Damen Cutter Suction Dredger 450 had to be adapted to the particular Russian circumstances in just three months

Rick van de Weg

Customised in just three months

A customised Damen Cutter Suction Dredger 450 has been delivered to the Russian Arctic region on time, despite a very tight schedule and the extremely remote location. The new CSD has to perform various capital dredging projects within the ice-free, short time window available.

The contract for the CSD450, named Zephir, was signed in December 2020. However, the standard stock dredger had to be adapted to the particular Russian circumstances in just three months. Due to the short spring and summer season in the Far North, the delivery time was critical and had to take place before the ice started to return.

The cutter suction dredger was launched when the ice has thawed

Assembled while ground still frozen

Additionally, as a further challenge, the shore assembly of the dredger had to be done whilst the ground was still frozen and the launch, on the other hand, had to be performed as soon as the ice had thawed. The outfitting and upgrade of the CSD450 was carried out at the specialist Damen Dredging yard in the Netherlands. This included increasing the dredging depth to -14 m, plus classification and standard stock additions such as a deck crane, anchor booms, a spud carriage and an accommodation unit.

Zephir  was transported fully dismounted due to the complex and challenging journey it was about to take to the Gulf of Ob, which is located over 2,000 km North East of Moscow. First, the CSD had to travel on a truck to Antwerp before it was shipped to Saint Petersburg, and then it was transported by train to Salekhard. On the final leg of its journey it was trucked over the frozen tundra to the assembly site. Having arrived there in May, the dredger could still be assembled, although the ground was still frozen. The launch was successfully performed once the ice had cleared in early June.

The Damen CSD450 has been assmbled in the Russian Arctic

Performing to full satisfaction of the operator

The Damen CSD went straight to work and has since performed a number of capital dredging jobs in the region, including deepening small rivers and stretches of the Gulf of Ob. The dredger pumps some 3,000 m³/h of mixture through its floating pipeline.

Zephir  has performed its duties to the full satisfaction of the operator. Now, as winter has fallen in northern Russia, the dredger is currently on its winter stop until the ice melts again.

On the top image:

The cuter suction dredger type CSD450 has performed a number of capital dredging projects in the Gulf of Ob region