Sea Axe Design - Damen
1 Sep 2020

Damen takes a bow

In focus: ✔ Patrol Vessel ✔ High Speed Vessel ✔ Fast Crew Boat ✔ Delft University of Technology ✔ Stan Patrol 4207 ✔ Stan Patrol 4208

Ben Littler

Damen’s cooperation with Delft University of Technology in a research programme aimed at improving the seakeeping characteristics of high-speed vessels goes back to the 1980s.

Research questions

Our research asked concentrated on designing a ship that can maintain high speeds in strong winds and heavy seas. We found the answer with the innovative Enlarged Ship Concept – a design upon which the highly successful Stan Patrol 4207 and 4708 are based.

Axe bow concept

The Enlarged Ship Concept was the starting point for further innovations. At beginning of the 21st century we took the design further with the Axe Bow Concept – representing a cooperation between Delft University of Technology, MARIN and the US Coast Guard. The resulting revolutionary hull shape has unparalleled seakeeping characteristics.

Based on the Axe Bow Concept, Damen has developed the Sea Axe Patrol Vessels and Fast Crew Suppliers

Fuel efficient design

Based on the Axe Bow Concept, for which Damen holds an exclusive license on the patent, we have developed the Sea Axe Patrol Vessels and Fast Crew Suppliers. Initially developed to improve vessel operating profile and crew safety and comfort, the Sea Axe concept is also proving its worth when it comes to sustainability. The vessels exhibit superior motion behaviour and significantly lower resistance through the water. This leads to a cut in fuel usage of 20% and, consequently, lower emissions.