Damen Marine NOx Reduction System - Damen
Damen E3 labelThe basis of the Damen E3 label is a federal technical assistance framework called E3: Economy, Environment and Efficiency. The objective of the framework is to reduce energy consumption, minimize carbon footprint, prevent pollution, increase productivity, and drive innovation.

NOx Reduction system

The Damen Marine NOx Reduction System is an advanced active emissions control system using SCR technology. This enables operators to comply with the IMO Tier III emission standards. Limiting the emissions of NOx and noise contributes to a healthier and more sustainable environment.


Key figures

NOx reduction of 80%

Suitable for all kinds of marine diesel engines

Damen solutions

Lifecycle supportFrom delivery onwards, Damen Services supports you, every step of the way.Learn more
Build your vessel locallyBuild a proven Damen design, at a location of your choice.Learn more
Trade-in your current vesselExplore our options for vessel trade-in at Damen Trading. Our in-house shipbroker.Learn more

Let us help you to suit your needs

Our NOx Reduction systems flourish in specific jobs: prepare your vessel for future legislation, NOx and noise reduction, suitable for marine diesel engines and fuels.