FEM Analysis - Marine Engineering Galati - Damen

FEM Analysis

Complex engineering solutions are needed to tackle the toughest challenges. From simple linear static analyses, to vibration, buckling and nonlinear analyses, our engineers can assist you in understanding and solving complicated technical problems. We use state-of-the-art industry tools such as Siemens NX /NX Nastran to obtain accurate solutions for the most demanding applications.


The MEGA FEM team is specialised in Finite Element Analysis to accurately predict the performance of products and processes. We effectively solve structural problems by analysing the vessel’s global longitudinal strength, hot spots and vibrations and we also perform local analysis for vibration, buckling and strength.

Why use Finite Element Analysis?

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a useful tool for analysing the strength of a product without physical testing. It can be used to simulate how and where structures bend or twist and to show the distribution of stresses and displacements, thus giving insight as to how a vessel will perform in service.

Engineering practitioners today know that there are only two drivers in design/development decision-making: quality and cost. FEA enables the creation of better designs by identifying failure modes early on, in turn reducing the cost of the prototype and helping to avoid warranty costs down the road. Likewise, finite element based optimisation is a powerful tool to reduce weight and materials. Finite element techniques can be used to dial-in manufacturing processes, sometimes dramatically cutting lead times and Capex costs. And in most cases, an FEA study is sufficient to get classification society approval.

Get in touch

Find out what MEGA’s experts can do for you. Our specialists can support your project from the initial design to adapting existing concepts for your requirements, to managing supply and construction. We are happy to assist at any stage of the project.