What have we done in 2024?

Looking back at 2024

Since 2024 came to a close and 2025 got underway, we as Foundation Damen Support, would like to take a moment to reflect on our journey and present some memorable highlights that we took away from the past year. It was a busy year, filled with significant milestones from launching new initiatives to strengthening our Foundation community bonds, but there were also moments of reflection. Join us as we look back on the notable moments of 2024.

Summer School

We had the pleasure of once again organising our annual Summer School. This year it took place in Galati, where our Community Centre is located. Two weeks prior to the Summer School, Yurii Latushkin, a 19-year-old Ukraine from Odessa, joined us in the Netherlands at Damen Gorinchem as an intern with the Marketing Communications department to assist with the preparations. Yurii is the son of our colleague Mykolay Latushkin, who is not only a consultant at the Expertise Centre Human Resources for Damen but is also the manager of the Rumanian Help Ukrainians Association, and as such is the direct contact person for Foundation Damen Support in Romania. Yurii’s internship took place partly in Gorinchem and partly in Galati, Romania, where he continued to help his father with the Summer School and documented the entire week for us. Yurii also played a crucial role in organising the children's safety and capturing the special moments of the week.

For us the most important objective is that during the week the teenagers can take their minds off all the negativity for a while, having fun with each other and learning something about shipbuilding in the process. The educational part of this 2024 edition of the Summer School was a group of 22 Ukrainian teenagers from Ukraine, Romania, and Poland participating in building a real-life vessel at the Damen Shipyard in Galati.

Week of learning

The goals of the week were not only to provide the teenagers with practical knowledge of shipbuilding processes as well as industry insights, but also to develop their knowledge of project management, presentation delivery, teamwork, and problem-solving. We also gave them the opportunity to visit Damen co-maker companies and develop their understanding of various stages of ship construction.

During this Summer School, the absolute highlight was the presentation of their completed vessel to Arnout and Annelies Damen, along with other Executive Board members and Damen managers. This took place on the 31st of August, just before the 25th anniversary celebration of Damen Shipyards Galati.

Other highlights of 2024

While the Summer School is one of our highlights, we would also include the smaller fundraising campaigns that make it possible to happen in in the first place. In 2024 we set up two small fundraiser events internally, where we also aimed to give something back to the employees. For instance, given the importance of Easter in Ukraine, we wanted to do something special! We partnered with Olala Chocola Gorinchem and put together a bag of chocolate treats with the twin themes of Easter and Foundation Damen Support. When working out the concept of this campaign, we didn't think it would end up being such a big deal. However, before we knew it, we were sending chocolate bags to DS&C Vlissingen, Damen Naval and Damen Yachting, so that they could help selling them as well! Besides that, during the year we made several calls to staff to donate vacation days and we have received vacation days from many employees at various Damen locations in the Netherlands.

Touch of Ukraine

Lastly, we were also given the opportunity to do something extra as part of the annual Maritime Festival in the grounds of Damen Shipyards Gorinchem. On a sunny day in October we walked around the grounds with thank-you bags for all the exhibitors who had supported Foundation Damen Support. With the help of the mothers in the Community Centre the bags were given a special Ukrainian touch, namely handmade crocheted flower pendants. In addition, throughout the year the founder of Foundation Damen Support, Annelies Damen, made numerous presentations about the work of the Foundation at different events and personally approached a number of our contributors.

Thanks in part to the proceeds from these fundraising campaigns we not only supported our Ukrainian colleagues, the Foundation was also able to provide support following another crisis involving Damen employees. The typhoon that swept over Vietnam in September 2024 left a number of our employees with severe damage to their homes.

Closing the year

2024 was a busy year so we really wanted to finish it with a memorable message. Normally in December just before the holidays, we send a nice Christmas card with a drawing made by one of the children at the Community Centre. But last year we wanted to do something bigger, so we decided to make a Christmas video featuring some special messages from people in the Community Centre. Again, thanks to the efforts of our colleague Mykolay Latushkin, we were able to put together a heartwarming Christmas video with which we ended the year.

What are our plans for 2025?

Unfortunately, the prospects for our Ukrainian colleagues are not promising or positive as the war in Ukraine continues. Many of them remain dispersed, with around 80 to 90 people still in Uzhhorod, Ukraine. Others are staying in Mykolaiv, driven by family ties or the fear of leaving their homes. The entire country is experiencing electricity issues, leading to prolonged periods without power, light, and heating. Not only Damen colleagues, but also many other people are still not working in their offices, which leads to disruption in the balance between their private and professional lives. The need to frequently have to seek shelter due to ongoing threats along with other psychological problems are increasingly taking their toll. Despite these challenges, our colleagues remain incredibly resilient, facing their daily lives with courage and determination.

Kicking off the New Year

With this knowledge and with 2025 just getting started, we already have plenty of ideas for the upcoming year and many new initiatives are in progress. During the first week of January, our very first Winter Camp took place. For this, 29 Ukrainian teenagers travelled to beautiful and snowy Brasov in Romania for a week of sharing holiday stories, learning, and having lots of fun. We aimed to give the teenagers a refreshing and positive start to 2025, uniting them once again.

Team-building adventures

Just like our Summer School, we always want to incorporate something educational. At this camp we provided the teenagers with hands-on experience in hospitality, combined with fun and team-building activities. Divided into five teams, the teenagers managed a mini hotel, taking on responsibilities such as preparing breakfast, cleaning, organising leisure activities and providing customer service, all while being supported by a team of coordinators. The camp also included masterclasses on skills like cooking, customer service and collaboration, plus company visits to actual hotels and restaurants to see what happens behind the scenes. Additionally, there was plenty of time for fun with treasure hunts, team games, creative challenges, and excursions to tourist attractions such as Bran Castle, Sinaia, and the surroundings of Brasov. This week marked a promising start to the new year.

The mental health of our colleagues and the electricity problems in war zones are also among our main priorities. We are therefore aiming to provide local assistance and would like to organise online sessions, among other initiatives. Something else we are very much looking forward to is SAIL 2025 which, after ten years, is taking place again in Amsterdam in August. Foundation Damen Support will also be taking part. Other specific days this year to which we will be paying more attention will include Family Day and the Open Day that will take place at the same time as the Maritime Festival in October in Gorinchem. Finally, in 2025, our overarching ambition is to broaden our horizons by securing new donors and sponsors and increasing brand awareness across all our yards worldwide.

Looking back

Over the past year, a lot has been achieved and all because of the help and the tremendous support from all Damen employees and a large number of outside contributors, not only in 2024 but in the years before as well. Without everyone’s contributions, we wouldn’t be where we are today. The past year has shown once again how strong we are as one Damen and how much we can do for our colleagues in need.

We want to thank you for your support over the past year and hope that in 2025 you will continue to help us contribute to a better life for our colleagues in need.


Meanwhile, there is practical need for housing, language lessons, mental help and physical care,  like dentist and checkups. ‘Stichting Damen Helpt’ wants to fulfill these needs. Help is necessary, all donations are welcome.

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