Kicking off the New Year with the first-ever Winter Camp

Winter Camp 2025

Due to the success of our annual Summer School, we decided to organise our first-ever Winter Camp! It was held in the first week of January in snowy Brasov, Romania, where 29 teenagers enjoyed a week of fun and learning. We aimed to give the teenagers a refreshing and positive start to 2025, uniting them once again to share holiday stories, learn from each other, provide mutual support and, most importantly, have lots of fun together.

As with our Summer School, we also wanted to incorporate something educational. This camp provided the teenagers with hands-on experience in hospitality combined with fun and team-building activities. Divided into five teams, the teenagers managed a mini-hotel, taking on responsibilities such as preparing breakfast, cleaning, organising leisure activities and providing customer service, all while being supported by a team of coordinators. The camp also included masterclasses on skills such as cooking, customer service and collaboration, plus company visits to actual hotels and restaurants to see what happens behind the scenes. Additionally, there was plenty of time for fun with treasure hunts, team games, creative challenges and excursions to tourist attractions such as Bran Castle, Sinaia, and the surroundings of Brasov.

We are glad that we were able to hold this, our first Winter Camp, and thus contribute to a positive start to 2025. Despite the outlook, this week marked a promising start to the new year.

Foundation Damen Support will continue to work in different ways to improve the lives of our Ukrainian Damen colleagues and all our other Damen colleagues in need worldwide.

Our gratitude goes to our colleague and manager of the Help Ukrainians Association, Mykolay Latushkin, and everyone else who helped make this Winter Camp possible!


Meanwhile, there is practical need for housing, language lessons, mental help and physical care,  like dentist and checkups. ‘Stichting Damen Helpt’ wants to fulfill these needs. Help is necessary, all donations are welcome.

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