Supply chain - Damen Engineering Gdansk - Damen

Supply chain

Right time, right place

The main goal of our Supply Chain team is to ensure that the right products are in the right place, at the right time, in the right quantity and at the best price. At DEGd we work in project groups, which are composed of members from multiple disciplines. We, as a supply chain team, cooperate with engineers, designers, planners, shipyards and project management. It is our aim to operate smoothly, react quickly to changes, and deliver precisely defined products on time.

Matching demand and supply

As part of our operations, we combine many tasks related to the management of supply chain processes and related processes to achieve a common goal in the most efficient way. Contact and good relationships with our suppliers are very important. Members of the supply chain department combine highly analytical skills with a flexible approach to modification and interpersonal skills, which are extremely important in dealing with suppliers.

Get in touch

Find out what we can do for you: from initial design, to adapting existing concepts for your purposes, managing supply and construction - we are happy to assist.