Research & Development - Damen Engineering Gdansk - Damen

Research & Development

Innovations implemented

The DEGd R&D team daily coordinates planning and execution of R&D tasks for vessels designed on location as well as carry out R&D tasks by ourselves. The team develops tools and methods to enhance engineering capabilities. It aims at facilitating smooth cooperation between engineers and R&D in activities including towing tank tests, wind tunnel tests, HIL and noise and vibration-related tasks.

Digitalisation of design

Together with other companies from the Damen Shipyards Group we take part in the multinational European Commission H2020 R&D project NAVAIS (New, Advanced and Value-Added Innovative Ships) – aimed at reduction of lead times for design and production of platform-based ferries and workboats, together with setting a modular approach to design and production phases. We are working out configuration procedures, system’s models for simulation at various levels that will eventually lead to configuration, interfacing and simulation of whole ship’s systems in the digital domain.

Get in touch

Find out what we can do for you: from initial design, to adapting existing concepts for your purposes, managing supply and construction - we are happy to assist.